Cast Information – Newsies

Logo - Amherst Community Theater presents: Disney's Newsies the Broadway Musical

Newsies show dates: January 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2025

January 16 (Thurs. evening at 7:30 pm), 17 (Fri. evening at 7:30 pm), 18 (Sat. 1:00 pm matinee), 19
(Sun. 1:00 pm matinee), 23 (Thurs. evening at 7:30 pm), 24 (Fri. evening at 7:30 pm), 25 (Sat. 1:00 pm matinee AND evening at 7:30 pm), 26 (Sun. 1:00 pm matinee) at Bowker Auditorium in Stockbridge Hall on the UMass campus.

Please keep the evenings of January 22, 26, and 27 available as snow dates. Cast is typically called two hours & thirty minutes prior to performance times.

Bowker Information – PARKING and other important information

Information for Cast Members

Set Shop Location:

Beginning last week of October or first week of November

Regular Shop hours will be:

Tuesdays & Thursdays:  7pm – 10 PM (except Thanksgiving)
Saturdays:      8am – 5pm
Sundays:        1pm – 5pm

David’s cell:  413 348-1300 

260 Leverett Rd., Amherst, MA 01002 Google Map link

Coming from Amherst, it is the last house before the Eastman Brook Conservation Area parking lot, and opposite the red address signs #269, 273, 275.

The driveway is before the house and there will be a NEWSIES Set Shop sign next to the gate you will enter through.

Head down the long windy driveway toward the very back of the property and bend around to the left to the garage.



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