
We are always looking for interested volunteers to join our team! Each year over 100 volunteers work together to bring our show to the stage. If you are interested in working in the set shop or costume shop, or working on props, hair, makeup or any other production area, please contact us at volunteer@amherstacts.org

This message is from a woman whose husband and two children were in the cast of our January 2016 production of Mary Poppins:

I LOVE that my Facebook page is blowing up today with friend requests and show photos from new Mary Poppins friends. I almost hate to say friends because I truly feel like we gained a new family by being a part of this show. Everyone welcomed us newbies with open arms, and for that we are grateful. I wasn’t even IN the show but I feel this huge sense of sadness that it’s all over, like my family is being split apart and now there’s a hole in my heart. In these past 4 months, we truly learned the meaning of “community” in community theater. It was such a great education for all four of us to see how much hard work and LOVE goes into producing a show. And for our girls to be able to work with such talented and lovely people is something I know they will never forget. We will gladly accept requests for the jobs of honorary aunts, uncles and cousins for the girls from any member of the cast and crew.

Here is a ‘testimonial’ to the set shop, written by a parent in 2010:

New to ALSCT, I have no experience building sets. Neither do my children ages 11 and 8. And neither do my children’s friends, who heard how much fun it is and jumped at the chance to come help. Working on the set as an adult is like a relaxing mini-vacation from all the things you should be doing during this busy time of year. Real life just slips away as you paint the witch’s castle, some scenery or the scarecrow’s post. For a child, working on the set for the Wizard of Oz is magical and empowering. I took my girls the first time in November, where they painted a bench, some scenery and learned to use a drill. We stayed for several hours and and left only because we had to get to an indoor soccer game. Last Sunday, [my daughter] went to rehearsal while her two friends, sister and I went to work on the set. This time,we spent most of the time painting. And the two younger girls swept up dustpans full of sawdust. The girls were abuzz on the car ride home talking about all the work they did. They were so proud. When I asked if they wanted to come help again, the response was an enthusiastic, “YES.” They all loved it and loved the responsibility. My point is, you don’t have to be an expert painter or carpenter to help out and have a lot of fun. You don’t even have to know anyone — I didn’t. Bring a friend if you want. Bring your kids. The hardest part about set work is finding the time to be there more.